I believe in the world right in front of me
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Bleh, sorry for being so [relatively] slow lately, OnO

Amata just sat there after that, her head hung low with that small embarrassment that comes with failure. With her black nose, she traced the shapes of the clouds that were reflected in the water, careful to not breathe in the wet liquid (she had learned early on that breathing in water was not a good feeling at all). Occasionally, she’d look up with round eyes, watching as Anu came back from the deep place. When Anu stood beside her, the little girl abandoned her attempts at drawing and diverting her own attention, turning her face up to look at the adult. Her eyes were round and shocked as she shook her head. No, she pouted. She knew that she was probably being unreasonable and making the day less fun for Anu, but she was scared of the water, even though she knew that the water was nice. Even now, as she sat in the shallowness, the water was soft and lapped up against her small body, pushing and pulling it with playful tugs. But Amata ignored it.

And Anu offered to help her, but the pup was still reluctant. And yet, when the adult moved away to return to that deep place, she made a small, "Oh," as if she thought that maybe she really did want to try again, but she sat back down with her childish stubbornness. The fear that she felt began to fade away with her growing curiosity as she watched Anu—what was Anu doing that was different? How come Anu could float but she sank? When Anu looked back, the small puppy couldn’t help herself, and she leapt up with a noisy splash, wordlessly going to Anu’s side. She pressed her body up against Anu’s back leg as if that would help and took several steps into the place that got deeper. She paused for a moment, feeling the tug of the water becoming more difficult to resist, and she knew that the deep place must be close. She looked up at Anu. "What do I do?" she asked, her words spoken quickly as if she were afraid to be carried away.


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