A dog's life

Asariel was once again a little caught off guard by his question. She wasn't expecting him to ask her about her family, but she didn't mind. It'd been so long that she didn't really remember too much. She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, still gazing up at the man. "Yes," she said, her voice somber and soft. "My mother told me to get out while I could -- this was when she was very, very ill -- and I didn't want to go. But I did for my sister's sake...though she was already infected and she died not long after I left." She smiled at him.

She was momentarily saddened by the brief memories of her family's faces, but she didn't let it dampen her spirits. She pondered something to talk about. "What do you like?" The question was so random and out of sorts that it even caught her off guard. She couldn't help but wonder it, though. What did he like? Did he like human creations? What about something so simple as sunny days? Everybody liked something, and so she thought it was a fit question to ask.


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