agent double zero.

It was raining, again! The blind duchess of Cour des Miracles was becoming increasingly bored with each passing day that this rainstorm carried on. She had managed to make it back to the house, after an interesting encounter with a certain, Faler Cerber. The woman had been pleasant, but Ruri was still confused as to the meaning of some of the things that were said and done during their little meeting. Those questions, however, would have to wait for later. Today, Ruri was quietly, sitting on the porch in her petite lupus form, her senses focused out into the rain. She wasn't about to venture out into it unless there was something interesting, or another packmate to go visit with. Someone was bound to be checking the borders today, so perhaps she'd catch their scent and be able to have a conversation with them. She hadn't heard from Haven in awhile, not since the arrival of his friend Siobhan. Ruri smiled and shook her head, correcting herself. Siobhan was likely more than just a friend for Haven, and it was understandable that he should spend most of his time with her these days.

It was fun to think about all the people she knew in the packlands. The royal court were all friends of hers, at least somewhat. Granted she knew some better than others, but they all seemed to like her fairly enough and she certainly liked them. It was some of the newer pack members that she did not know as well. She would have to make a point to meet some of them once all of this rain stopped. Ruri's thoughts about her future tasks were quickly diverted when a sound reached her ears. It was a series of short yips, and it seemed far enough away that it could be at the borders. She didn't recognize the voice, but the merle and ivory female attributed that to the sound of the rain causing interference. Besides, the way she figured it, someone else in the pack was bound to have heard the calls and would be on their way as well so she wouldn't have to worry about being caught alone as she had been with Haku Soul.

The delicate female quickly made up her mind to go investigate, and in a matter of a few steps she was off, trotting through the rain along one of the path's she had memorized which led through the packlands. For a blind girl, she was able to move around fairly well, as long as she was in an area she knew. Put her on a plot of ground she was unfamiliar with and she might spend hours trying to touch, hear, or smell something that was familiar so that she could get her bearings. Fortunately, though, her recent excursions had given her a fair idea of the best paths to move through certain parts of the packlands and she was on one of those paths now. She would hopefully be in the vicinity of the calling individual within a few minutes. Hopefully they would loose a couple more calls so that she would be able to find them faster.


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