he's stolen hearts like they're horses
eek, sorry, somehow i missed that you had replied. :x by the way, i love strelein. XD


Hemming was glad that he was not the only one who had overlooked the place, though he had no way of knowing that this stranger was new. He shrugged at the next comment and said, "I don't know if I would call the rest muck, but this is an exceptionally lovely place." He grinned widely and sat down beside the other, pleased to find that it was a little bit cooler down there even though the sun still reached his face. The gray wolf was quite fond of all the lands he had explored so far; each had a certain quality to it that made it interesting, or just plain beautiful.

"I'm Hemming," he replied with a wide smile, "Nice to meet you." And it was nice, to meet someone that seemed to cheerful. But then again, with this weather who could be anything less? Hemming wore his constant grin, now stretched even wider than usual, as he folded his legs in front of him. He had largely lost track of his Spirit Guide, but it wasn't as if he was about to leave, and even if he did she would be quite capable of tracking him down. Perhaps she wouldn't even realize he was gone until the sun had gone down and she was tired of snatching up bugs. Ah, such was life; there always had to be something more interesting than you.

kat made this! Big Grin

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