Live, I wanna live inspired
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Still waters run deep

Her hand came to her mouth in speechless surprise when Heath pulled out the windchimes, holding them up so that they could sing their unique melody as the breeze whistled through them. The tones the chimes created tickled her ears pleasantly and her lips curved in a grateful smile. Then she turned her head to listen to the bells which she could tell were in the trees surrounding the house. He had done all this for her? She didn't know what to say. Now she wouldn't have to worry about getting lost, at least when their was the chance of a breeze. When the wind finally died down, the slate and ivory female fixed her hair, some of which had blown into her face, although she was mostly using it as a device to buy time while she thought of something to say. "H-Heath...that's so sweet. I...I love it, thank you," she stammered, her soprano voice speaking in a quiet, timid tone. Then, without really thinking, the delicate girl threw her arms around the male in another hug. She hoped that this gesture would show her gratitude for his perfectly wonderful gift to her. However, she would not deny that she had been wanting to hug him since his arrival. It felt so good to have her arms around him, touching his fur, inhaling his scent, listening to his heartbeat and breathing. It was a complete sensory experience for the blind duchess of Cour des Miracles.

She did not understand why hugging Heath felt so different compared to hugging Jac. It felt good to hug Jac too, because she was so close to him, but hugging Heath was a completely unique experience and she didn't want to let go. However, she did manage to eventually loosen her grip until she was just holding his hand once more. "I really mean it Heath. Thank you, so much. I wish I could really show you how much easier this will make it for me. I won't have to spend so much time memorizing every step I take, or every rock I pass so that I know how to get back home. I'll have something I can listen to to help me find my way back." It really was a great solution to a problem. The slate and ivory femme hadn't minded memorizing places to get familiar with the area; but it would be such a relief to not have to worry about getting out of familiar territory and being unable to get back to the house. This would give her so much more freedom.


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