Out for Lunch
"From what it looks like, trying to catch a quick meal." Came a voice from the pig pen. Ty stood up and leaned against the fence to view the other two wolves. The kindhearted warrior had been observing how pigs spent their day until the other two wolves showed up. He hadn't been interested in eating the creatures in the farm, as even though they were easy meat, he did enjoy the challenge of a good hunt. Of course, Ty had no clue if it was alright to be in the farm or not, but it's not like he had been doing anything dastardly, like eating the animals or stealing their food. Ty had just been observing how the animals spent their day, always curious about the world around him.

Ty chuckled as he hopped over the fence, he hadn't meant to get Lysander in trouble. In truth, he really wanted to get to know this wolf, as he seemed really nice and friendly, but had never got to talk to him. Nevertheless, he greeted Geneva with a short wave as he looked to Lysander, wondering what he was going to do now, after all, hadn't he just been caught red-handed? He gave a sheepish but incredibly friendly grin, he then sat down on the turkey side and watched as one turkey walked by him, giving it a very curious glance as he made a small attempt to follow it, acting like a innocent child again with wonder in his eyes.

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