I believe in the world right in front of me
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Sorry for dragging you down! OuO;;;

Anu’s words were reassuring, and the girl nodded imperceptibly. But the adult’s question surprised her, and she turned to look at Anu with a sudden movement. "Yeah," she said with a giggle, her mood brightening. The girl’s tail wagged slowly behind her, the soggy appendage spraying water with each movement. The blue and green eyes looked up at Anu and she smiled a toothy grin. Running was easy! She could do that, definitely. Her face shifted to make one of confusion. "I cans?" Her head tilted thoughtfully as her eyes turned to stare at the water. Was swimming really like running? She didn’t know.... It seemed strange that they would be the same. Amata looked back to Anu. But then, Anu was an adult, and she knew a lot of things and was wise. "I cans," the little voice murmured determinedly, and she stuck out her little chest as she took a deep breath. She could do it—Anu said that she could. The tail’s speed continued to increase with her increasing determination. Confidence was returning to the pup.

Amata listened to Anu’s instructions intently, staring hard at the adult and then at the water and then at the adult again. A little pink tongue stuck out with her concentration, and she nodded once. "Okays," she agreed. There was a slight pause in which it seemed that the pup wanted to do exactly as Anu had instructed, but then there was that moment of hesitation. "Here I goes, Anu!" the little girl warned. Slowly, just as she was told, the girl made her way into the deeper part of the water. She could feel the colder water moving in from the deep place, and it made her toes nervous. And then, suddenly, the water’s tug had pulled her beyond the point of safety. There was a surprised yelp, but she kicked frantically, concentrating on making her legs run. Water went into her mouth, but Amata just drank it and didn’t choke this time because her head was staying above the water! "Anu! Look!" Her words were choppy and spoken through pants. "I’s swimming!" The pup made a slow and small circle as she splashed noisily with her novice’s swimming, and she looked delightedly at the adult. But, of course, she didn’t know what to do after she was swimming, but that thought didn’t really seem to matter at that moment. She was too indulged in the actual swimming to think ahead.


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