it's like forgetting the words
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        Amata moved quietly in the house. Lately, she had been practicing her quiet-walk, as she called it, because she had realized that it was important for hunting. Sometimes she would practice pouncing on bugs, but she still could not catch the elusive rabbits. Nevertheless, the quietness of her step was improving, although she continued to walk with her claws clicking noisily on the ground. But today it didn’t matter because she was not trying to sneak up on someone or pounce on someone. Today, she intended on seeing her sister, who was still very sad. And her sister’s sadness made Amata sad, and so today she wanted to bring her sister a little surprise.

        The creamy pup walked with her head held highly as she carried a yellow daisy flower in her mouth. She had pulled it right out of the ground, roots and all, and she had felt very strong and accomplished—hence the proud posture. And she carried the bright flower through the house, dragging dirt all over the floor, in her search for Cambria. She’d peek through the doorways, but there was never Cambria. And then—the girl paused, her ears straining to catch the sound of something—or someone. It sounded like a voice, but it was funny and muffled. Maybe that’s Cambi! The small girl quickened her pace, abandoning all attempts at staying quiet, although she was careful to hold the yellow daisy flower carefully.

        She found her sister pressed up against their stuffed butterfly friend. But, as Amata drew near, her pace slowing to a gradual halt, she could clearly see her sister’s distress. A small frown made its way around the flower’s stem, but she quickly tried to push it away. Now was the time for cheering up! Carefully and slowly, the creamy puppy set the flower on the floor. Quietly, she moved towards Cambi, nudging her softly with her nose, nuzzling her lovingly. "Cambi," the girl whispered, making sure to use her happy voice. But, of course, she was excited because she had brought her sister a surprise. "Look," she urged with a smile, stepping aside so that her sister might be able to see what was brought. "I broughts you sumthing!" Sure enough, it was not the bright flower that was being referred to, nor was it the dirt or the orange ladybug. It was a caterpillar, a funny green thing that wiggled around and ate the leaf of the flower. The little girl stood by expectantly, hoping that her sister would be pleased.


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