Out for Lunch
Geneva swallowed a gasp before she laughed lightly. It seemed as though she was not the only one being surprised today. She had not expected Ty to be anywhere nearby. In fact, only a few moments prior she was certain that she had been alone. Her lime green eyes cut to the the younger male and she nodded her head slightly in acknowledgement, waving her fingers before she returned her attention to the husky in the turkey pen. Recognition dawned on her face as she realized that she had seen him at the pack gathering not very long ago.

The husky male, Lysander, seemed to be animated. His features lit up when he spoke. Geneva smiled at him, and did not interrupt him as he spoke. There was something that grabbed her attention when he spoke. He had a spark about him. If she had to pick a word for it, she would say that Lysander was very charismatic. She could see how this male could be larger than life when he told a story.

Geneva, on the other hand, was soft spoken and gentle. Almost everything she did never carried above a whisper. While Lysander might be the life of the party, she was the background noise, static and soft and almost incomprehensible. "They are quite strange," Geneva agreed, watching Ty once more as he observed the fowl more closely. She returned her eyes to Lysander. "What is even stranger is the fact that we keep them." She still found it strange that Phoenix Valley, filled with natural born predators, was the home to so many prey animals. Still, she had adjusted to this new way of life. "You are, of course, welcome to study them, and partake of them if you are hungry. I only ask that you do so sparingly. We depend on the livestock during winter, when food is scarce."

Geneva reached to take his proffered hand. Her touch was delicate, but there was no hesitation. Her pressed her fingers lightly into his hand before gripping it firmly and shaking it. "I am Geneva, and I have been here for a while as well. I am glad to make your acquaintance, Lysander, she said warmly and sincerely.

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