the song remains the same
Pendzez had been in the fields lately, picking up certain herb looking greenery. He heard of a very common herb that grows around areas, such as Phoenix Valley, that can be a good anti-venom. Common it may be, it is only out in spring, so better now than anytime else. He bent down and picked and picked herbs until he gained a sufficient amount. He had been collecting herbs that were mentioned in some Japanese herbal remedies. He found that some of the herbs can be found here in Souls, if you look closely enough. Pendzez had to make sure that he was way outside boundary lines, since if he did, he would have to provide a good reason. Not to mention that he didn't want to cause the same problems like he did before. He had made sure that he was careful this time.

He collected his herbs and placed them in a pouch that was secured onto his waist belt. He had been wearing it lately since he's been collecting herbs for medical and remedial purposes. In the end, he saw himself as a new Deuce, but a guy. Deuce was a good Shamaness and had a good knowledge of medical purposes, not to mention the medical nature of alcohol. He heard that Alcohol was a good disinfectant when applied, or spilled onto wounds. The effects are very stingy. However, in the end, maybe Pendzez was cut out to be a Shaman instead of a Sentinel. He just have to see what will happen in the future.

He was just some way home until he heard a howl on the wind. It was familiar. A voice of Jefferson? A calling for the pack to gather. What's going on? A hunt or just a meeting? Pendzez began to make his way to where Jefferson was calling from. Getting a clear view, he saw some that he knew and some that he didn't were gathered around the Patriarch, sharing greetings and hellos with each other. Pendzez smiled happily as he joined them in there merriment. "Hello to you all."

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