Hello Sunshine;
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p292 ... ox_cub.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

There should be no shame attached to this new thing. The individuals Conor interacted with daily always seemed to prefer this odd form before plain wolf. The child’s body and mind did not handle this insane confusion with a changing body well, and then had reacted with pumping fear accompanied with large doses of adrenaline around in his small body. This should have been something exciting, but the boy had found it to be dreadful and painful instead. Those lilac eyes stared at his own oddly shaped body and could not comprehend this instantly without feeling failure whipping his soul. Although he was much healthier than he had been in the past, his mind was still fragile. Perhaps he would be able to cope with it eventually if he had been granted a few hours extra or had Alexey by his side, but this unknown woman had walked straight into the house and she had stared at him with misty eyes lacking their pupils. He wondered if this all was only a very vivid nightmare that would vanish the moment he regained his consciousness.

She told him to not be afraid. He wanted to yell and make everything worse, but perhaps it was time to change tactic. Despite the first people he had known, loved and trusted had been horrible people, he had learned that the world was not as cruel as he had thought it would be. He had been very unlucky with his family. His mind wanted to go on with its rampage, but the boy struggled to gather mind strength to follow the woman’s words. Despite her terrifying (yet also beautiful) appearance, he could not detect any evil in the woman. She was merely trying to be kind and he had and still was trying to push her away. Despite the terrible chaos reigning inside his head as well as in his body, the boy eventually managed to understand this. Conor started with several attempts to slow down his breath, but soon enough figured out that he did not have the required control over his alien body to focus on any such tasks.

Again those melodic words sounded and the purple eyed boy tried to allow her words to reassure him. It worked. He could feel his body shake and ache, but it did not feel like as if he was falling down through darkness. Those alien arms of his started to stretch out for the black adult with the mysterious eyes. She only wanted to help. Conor needed help. He needed her. Although he was still halfway scared out of his mind, he was amazed how he had managed to suppress the additional amount of panic that had been ready to be released whenever the first canine would discover him. He had promised himself to shake off those obvious weaknesses and flaws he had gathered while being psyched down by his psychotic father, and those mental workouts had clearly helped somewhat. He tried to convince himself that this was something natural that everyone had to go through at one point of their life. Truly, it was.


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