Underneath the skin
Perhaps end this soon and start fresh one? (300)

          Conor was clueless about such things. He only knew that daddy had called him many variances of the word ‘stupid’ and so on. If Cercelee said that she was smart because she had been through a lot, then he wondered if what he had been through had made him smart as well. Did this mean that even adults learned new things every day? The boy thought about this. So it was not as easy as to grow up and all of a sudden be very smart, average or just dumb forever. It was a skill that evolved all the time. Did this mean that if he was not smart already, he could make himself smart by just learning a lot? The boy liked that theory. He wanted to be smart and prove his horrible father wrong. That was why Haku was so angry all the time: because Conor was stupid and did only stupid and retarded things. If the boy managed to only do good things then daddy would no longer be so horrible to him. Yes!

          However, the boy did not think that he would ever be smarter than Cercelee! The words caused a light blush to caress his white and cream cheeks. She was so kind. Why was it that mommy and daddy were not kind while so many other people seemed to be? He had believed his parents were decent individuals compared to the world out there, but ah, he had been so very wrong. A barely audible giggle escaped through the boy’s thin lips when the Rosea complimented his eyes. The sound disappeared as soon as it had entered the air and his own ears. He rarely did laugh, especially around other people. His daddy seemed to be super annoyed every time that happened. He swallowed quickly, but what was done was done. His lilac eyes sought for anger in the female, but could not find any. It was okay to laugh as long as Haku Soul was not nearby.

          ”I don’t knows, I hasen’t seen no one elses around.” He timidly replied while wagging his tail slowly. Could smart people teach dumb people how to be smart? ”You, can Cercelee teach Conor to be smarter?” the child curiously asked, letting his golden ears leap forward in silent expectation.


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