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The male perked up as he caught the sound of someone approaching and his black nose wiggled intensely for several moments as he honed in on the woman's scent. Drat; it seemed this wolf was directly below the leadership in terms of hierarchy. It was dangerous to play with fire, but Anselm had been through enough not to fear the burn too greatly. Once the woman was within sight, he reacted instantly: his ears dropped back roughly 45 degrees, not pointed straight back in fear but certainly enough to appear complacent. He dipped his head while fixing his gaze on her chin, though he allowed himself a quick peek at her jade eyes for the sake of future reference.
"I'm just looking around," he stated evenly, with several more degrees of warmth than the casual customer trying to keep the overbearing clerks at bay. "It doesn't seem right to settle somewhere without reviewing all of your options first, right?" he continued, head tipped to one side as he gauged her reaction. "What is this place? I'm Anselm," he finished, tone as smooth as ever. Nothing he had said was an outright lie--his favourite form of deception. Though he was practised enough to let those effortlessly spill past his lips with no guilt or hesitation, these pseudo-truths were even easier to pass naturally and even a trained eye or ear would have difficulty discerning any hidden motive.
At any rate, he didn't figure there was anything awfully suspicious about what he had said. Drifters came through these lands constantly and he'd never seen Geneva before. It seemed like the relationship between their two packs had soured only recently, too--though he did wonder if that brash female he'd fought with before was still around. Too bad he didn't have her name to offer... then again, if she was still here and she showed up, his cover would be blown. For now, he could just play dumb and gobble down whatever bones the grey lady threw to him.

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