Arrivals Don't Always Mean Welcome
As she'd waited Terrasa had gained a chance to take a sneak around her. The earthen floor was sodden. As she scented yet more rain in the air which would no doubt be forth coming in the next few hours, she also scented the differenciations between different wolves. She traced a pattern with her claws into the pooling mud before her until one particular scent grew stronger and nearer. She lifted her muzzle to gaze aorund and soon saw the dark coat of a femme. She was obviously of rank, her posture gave that away but not of complete claimence. She was not leader here.

" not lost my lady." she corrected the female before her. " i seek acceptence onto the land and possibly into your pack." lowering her muzzle and then forebody she gave a graceful, almost bow like movement. a respectful gesture.

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