Arrivals Don't Always Mean Welcome
Ah the ever present quest for another history! Terrasa smiled and then lifted her self to sit once more. This would take a while.

" My name, my lady, Is Terrasa Earthkore. My origins are from the west. Far from this place. I was born heir to the pack however my father believed that no female should ever rule in the Land. It was tradition and we lived by it, died by it and breathed by it. "

She paused, thinking about how best to go on.

" As a pup and young whelp i was mischeivious and i met a male. His name Was Lunor Starrise, We were great friends and i was terribly affectionate for the male. However he was from the rival pack to my home and so when my father found us, during my 2nd year, he was blind with rage and fury. I had no idea of the intentions Lunor had so that our friendship and love for what it was could grow. He slew my father. Murdered him in cold blood. "
Somehow somehting in Terrasa's heart ached and her words turned cold.

" i turned upon him and sent him away before trying, somewhat stupidly, to seal my fathers life to him. He died, my song filled the air and when the pack gathered they saw the scenes and the blood upon my being and placed the blame on me. Chased and banished i ran. Many moons and sun's i've run. "

She sighed and looked at the female.

" i've been searching for a pack i felt was of kindaness and hope. Wolves seem to fear and lash out blindly more than i expected. "

She let her story finish and looked away, indifference filling her features. the coldness gone from her voice.

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