Arrivals Don't Always Mean Welcome
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She didn't know what that would be like, to live in a pack where your own father believed that you didn't have the right to lead just because of your gender. Here, anyone could lead a pack as long as they had the skills to do it. It was a big responsibility. Ember had been chosen because she had shown leadership potential and Dawali had decided that it was time to move her up and give her more to do in their tribe. She already did a lot, but now she could do even more to try and improve Aniwaya.

"I see. Many wolves who live here have stories a little like yours...each of us come from a different background, each of us has our secrets." She nodded. Her own past held some of the things that Terrasa mentioned. Pain, hurt, losing a loved one. "I just have to ask you one more question. Do you have any skills that might benifit us here?"


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