quiet while the dragon sleeps
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A soft whimper of sympathy came from the young girl as she looked up at the older boy. Once she had swallowed a bite, she said, "It will bes okays," in a comforting way, and she thought that she might be good at comforting because she had a sister and a brother, and sometimes they needed comforting too. Just today she had brought her sister a get-better present. "Iss safe here, and iss fun to live here," the pup continued with a nod. She had always felt safe within the Crimson Dreams pack. The only time that someone had been mean to her had been when she and mamma and Cambi and Got’am had taken a trip near the boarders, and then Tok-yo Chance had been very mean. But that was at the boarders, and the young girl was smart enough to avoid it when she could. Of course, curiosity made her go near and even travel beyond at times. But Mamma and the other adults kept everyone safe so that she could wander off and play on her own. But today she had a friend to play with—she was glad that she had found Air-es. At the mention of her mother’s name, the little pup lit up. "Yeah! She’s my Mamma!" And she exclaimed it happily. "How did yous knows?" She wondered if he had smelled her, and she sniffed her paw.

She was staring closely and intently at the pages, brushing her wet nose against the smashed ants when he answered her first question. She looked up at him and tilted her head. "What’sa greak’od?" And Amata wondered what it was indeed. It was when she went back to inspecting the pages that Air-es came rushing over, and the little girl looked up at him with a smile, hoping that he was coming to read to her. But he wasn’t, and he didn’t. Instead, he bit her and he pushed her. The young pup squeaked and yelped as she fell, tears of pain sprouting in those blue and green eyes. She whimpered, trying to look at her shoulder that smarted with hurt. And then she turned with wide eyes filled with confusion and a hint of anger. Why? And the answer came promptly. "I—" she stuttered, holding back the tears. Why was he being so mean? "I’s was only trying to look...." Her voice was small as she sniffled and looked down at the ground, trying to make her eyes drink the tears back in.

Her creamy head lifted when he spoke again, suddenly wanting to read to her. But the girl shook her head; she wasn’t in the mood to play anymore. "I dons wants to pick a story," she murmbled as she sat there. She lowered her body to the ground and covered her face with her puppy paws—only it hurt to move her shoulder, and it made her want to cry even more. "Yous ares jus’ likes your mamma," she murmured, her voice muffled by the grass and her paws, and the words distorted by the quietness with which she spoke. But as soon as she said it, she was sorry that she had. She didn’t want to be mean, but he was mean and hurt her. So the tears rolled down her face as she sniffled, hidden under her paws.


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