this place is a prison
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He simply watched her, his eyes tracing the little paths of tears trailing down her cheeks. The pretty sea foam green of her eyes was lit with sadness as they drowned in the girl's tears. Gotham had never been as unhappy as Cambria was, but it tore him up just to see her like that. She was the quietest of the trio, but she was a fun-loving little girl. The Phoenix child put his face between his own paws so that they were at eye-level, listening to her quavering voice. He simply couldn't comprehend the sadness she felt. Oh, how he wished he could understand! It was very, very frustrating.

"I sorries, Cambi. That you's so sad." Gotham scooted closer to her, his ears folding back against his skull as he licked her cheek several times. Kissing was for girls, but he liked giving kisses to his sister. And if it made her better, all the more reason. He pulled back, his eyes alight with sudden hope. "Ahm..." he thought aloud. His ears suddenly flew upright as an idea dawned on him. Gotham rose to his feet, his tail beginning to wave steadily behind him. "Wait jussa minute!"

With that, he exited the closet and paused outside the door. His eyes scanned the neat little room, searching for only one thing. It wasn't out on the floor or in any of the corners, where he and his siblings sometimes played. He sniffed the floor, thinking that might help, but his eyes instead found it. He could see under the bed from where he was standing, the soft wing of the toy against the concealed wall. Gotham raced to the bed, falling to his belly and crawling underneath. He was very quiet and very careful, aware that Momma was asleep above him. His teeth found the wing of the plush butterfly. The boy pulled it with no shortage of difficulty out from under the bed. With it awkwardly dragging beside him, Gotham trotted back to the closet and presented Cambria's favorite toy to her. "Ta-da! 'S your butt'rfwy."


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