hollow-hearted, heart-departed
http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4598 ... ttable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


There were plenty of activities to look forward to, and Catalyst couldn't wait to fulfill such activities with her new friend Alexey. Apparently Catalyst was making friends with the adults more so than the resident pups of the pack, or really any other pups that were around in general. She pretty much only had her siblings to rely on, which in the sense was good because they were of her blood and she could trust them, but then again there were times to where Catalyst grew frustrated with them and wanted some time away from them. Looking up to Alexey, she seemed like a very young spirited adult, and Catalyst liked this trait about her.

Not only was she young spirited, but at least she was optimistic enough to give hope that Palindrome would be found by them regardless. Feeling empowered by this, her tail continued her enthusiastic lashings behind her. "Nope! He doesn't! I'mma show him a thing or two once I find him though!" There was a small, barely audible growl in her voice thereafter. She didn't like it when her siblings suddenly up and disappeared, and would make it known to them that they shouldn't be doing that to one another, especially her. As far as any tracking skills, Catalyst had zero. "How do you track? Like following paw prints?" She had somewhat of a general idea, but it was best left to Alexey to clarify more on such.


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