remember when it rained
yaaay Big Grin


The steady plunk of water as it dripped through the trees was like a lullaby, and Hemming quickly found his unease slipping away. He smiled faintly at the other's words, nodding as he continued to watch the rain and light drip through the trees. The AniWayan would himself say that each thing had an inherent beauty that did not change depending on the conditions around it, but that the weather certainly did change the manner in which such beauty was expressed. These thoughts were not made into words, however, being instead little more than fleeting ideas and feelings that rested in the pit of his stomach. Even if he had intended to mention his thought out loud, his chance was cut off; while it would have survived his companion's kind offer, it certainly would not have survived the sudden presence of a large bird.

Dagrun crouched close to Hemming's head, tucking herself in the fur between his ears, as the strange bird flew by. Hemming himself did not notice it until the other wolf did, his brows lifting originally to accommodate the offer before it changed into an expression of shock. It seemed as if the bird had arrived in a bolt of lightning, and in the strange weather Hemming felt a little more spooked by it than he might have if the sky was clear. He didn't say anything and directed his wide amber eyes to where the feminine voice had come from and to where his acquaintance was directing his words now.

Thunderstorms did always seem to make situations feel rather surreal, but this was even odder than usual; first, finding a little house in the wood, nonetheless with someone already there, and second this lightning bird. Ears perked towards the forest, Hemming waited curiously to get a glimpse of this other and to understand her relationship with the bird. He found it not at all surprising that there were others out despite the tempestuous weather.

kat made this! Big Grin

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