this place is a prison


........It wasn't her brother's fault that he couldn't understand her sadness. It wasn't really a natural sadness. Puppies weren't meant to get depressed like this. They were supposed to be happy and playful and light spirited. It was that stuff that made her like this. That and the fact that she no longer felt safe in her own home. If she couldn't even be safe inside the house then where could she be safe? Cambria had always viewed the mansion as her sanctuary. It was the place she could go if she felt scared or unsure and she knew that everything would be okay as long as she was there. But she didn't feel that anymore. It was like the world was this big monster trying to gobble her up. That stuff shouldn't have been there and she shouldn't feel like this. It wasn't fair.

........Her sobs continued, but when she felt Gotham's warm tongue on her cheek she leaned into it, holding onto that gesture of sibling affection like a lifeline. It felt warm where he gave her those kisses and she didn't want that feeling to go away. With being so sad she felt cold all the time. Not really actual shivery cold, but like cold inside. It was not a good feeling. But then he stopped a soft whine escaped her throat as he bounded away from the closet opening. He said he'd be right back but she didn't want him to leave at all! She wanted him to stay with her and keep making her feel better!

........Cambria heard her brother scuffling around in the room quietly and wondered what he was doing. She craned her neck to try and look out the opening but she couldn't see anything. She wanted to know what was going on, but she still didn't want to the leave the closet. The pup liked being in this small area, it felt safer somehow. Then she heard little paws returning to her and her eyes lit up at the sight of her toy. Tail gave a short little wag before being still again. "Gotham! Yous browt da butterfwie for mes? Tanks yous," she said scooting closer to him. The pup gathered the plush butterfly underneath her feet and then leaned against her brother. This was what she needed.


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