it's like forgetting the words
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Although the girl was young, she understood the need to be emotionally strong when the time called for it. And her young mind believed that now was the time to be strong. Her whole mission today was to make her sister feel better because her sister was sad, and she didn’t like that her sister was sad. She didn’t like that someone had hurt her, but Mamma had taken care of everything. Nani wasn’t in the house anymore, and she wasn’t in the pack either, so Cambi could be safe now. But Cambi was still sad.... So Amata smiled brightly and wagged her tail, hoping to encourage her sister to be happy and smile too. And the light puppy waited patiently for her sister to respond and to see, and she waited expectantly also, because caterpillars sure were hard to find! Hopefully Cambi would find it cute like she did, and not scary like bees that stung or mosquitoes that bit. This green thing was soft and squishy—she had poked it with her nose once and so she knew. She knew that she shouldn’t have poked it, but she couldn’t help herself, and this time she had been careful to be very gentle. It turned into a funny circle. Maybe she could show Cambi, but not yet.

When Cambi finally looked up, her face was wet and her eyes were crying and sad. The wagging of the tail faltered as she stood aside to show her sister what she had brought. And the blue and green eyes watched her sister’s gaze, making sure that she would be able to see the bug and not just the flower and the ladybug. And it seemed that her sister had seen it, although Amata was not yet perceptive enough to see the slight twitch of her sister’s lips—but she sensed it. The creamy tail wagged several times behind her. "Issa cat-pill," the girl explained brightly, although her perception of the adult word was distorted. There was a slight pause as she smiled at her sister. "Cat-pills turns into butterflies!" At least, that was what the adults had taught her. She remembered how Cambi loved the butterflies. Even now she had been with their stuffed butterfly (and Amata had refrained from playing with it so that Cambi could).

"I’s thoughts you cans takes care of her—or him." She couldn’t tell if the caterpillar was a girl or a boy, but the greenness made her think that it was a boy. "Dadda readed me a story!" Amata explained quickly. "A human boy tooked cares of a yewling," a yearling, "so you cans takes care of the cat-pill.... Her voice faded in a question, because she wondered if her sister did want to take care of it. She wanted her sister to be happy and play, and she thought that taking care of the green bug would help—it was good for the human boy in the story. And maybe it would really turn into a butterfly!


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