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This is craaap. I am sorry!

The Nuncio was satisfied with the male's display so far. He did not seem threatening, so far, which was a good thing. Geneva was not much a fighter, but she would do what she could to keep the borders secure. The gray female was more a diplomat. She was better able to try to reason and use logic. She had only ever had one negative experience at Phoenix Valley borders. That situation had left her hurting and later, scarred. Spidery pink scar tissue still showed in a starburst on her side and shoulder where a coin-eyed monster had attacked her.

The gray furred woman had gained much more confidence since the incident. She had also grown in strength, subtly throughout the following months. She was now responsible for a lot more within the pack, and she thrived on the responsibility. Geneva felt much more capable and much more confident. Months ago, she might have shied away from this male, but now she could hold her own, she no longer doubted herself the way she used to.

"Hello Anselm," the gray lady greeted him. "My name is Geneva Stockholm, and this is Phoenix Valley. There are a few other clans and packs which have settled around here, too. Crimson Dream, Coures des Miracles, Dahlia de Mai and Inferi." She did not know how familiar this stranger was with the lands all around. He did not seem to unfamiliar or uncomfortable with these surroundings. Maybe if she asked him a few questions, he could provide more insight. "Where did you come from?" she asked curiously.

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