I Know This Familiar Place
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

No worries! OuO

Her Uncle Ehno’s laugh made her laugh even more. The sound was much deeper than her own, and it was also a warm friendly sound that Amata liked very much. She bumped her head against him in a loving manner as her laughter faded away into a cheerful silence. The creamy pup smiled up at him. But she grew concerned with his reply to her words. "Che?" She lilted her head as her smile faltered, and she stared up at him with an intense concentration. What was he talking about? "Hanno fatto? Come?" Her voice was quiet now, as if this knowledge was some sort of great and exciting secret. But she wanted to know how the humans flew. The idea itself seemed improbable and very silly. Amata didn’t think that she could believe it, but Uncle Ehno wouldn’t lie to her, would he? So it must be true.... How strange!

The light hued puppy stood there, staring out into the dark world outside that still sprinkled water on the world. She watched, mesmerized by the sparkly glitter rain that fell, although it was only the light moving through each drop of water. Her uncle came just as his words said that he would, and she turned her gaze to look up at him. Whatever I want? The pup smiled up at him—suddenly the possibilities seemed endless. They could do anything together because Uncle Ehno had said that they could. And she wanted now to go and see the thing that was very far away inside the windmill. And he agreed, just like he said. "Sì, andiamo, Zio Ehno!" she said with excitement bubbling from her words. She ran after him, his slow walking carrying him much farther than her stubby legs. Her tail waved happily behind her as she slowed to a quick trot. And she pranced beside him as if they ventured into some magical place.

The thing looked like a box with a lot of funny circles and lines—it was very strange. But as she continued to move near to it, the funny circles and lines disappeared with the height of the box. She paused within a nose length from the box, her head arched back so that she could see the high edge of the strange contraption. "Non posso vedere, Zio Ehno!" she gave a little pout, rising up on her hind legs and leaning her fore paws upon the strange thing. Amata turned to look as her Uncle Ehno did the same. He pulled on summing with his mouth, and a sudden noise screamed and screeched in the silence. She gave a startled yelp and pushed off of the box, running to find cover behind her Uncle, who also stepped down. Having bumped into his hind leg, she sat on her rump, looking up at him and giving a small giggle. Sometimes being scared was fun too. But she nooded. "Si.... Ciò era pauroso!" she agreed. The blue and green eyes turned to consider the strange box with the funny circle and lines that she could partially see now. She followed a funny line up to the ceiling. "Che è di sopra?" she asked curiosily. But then she paused.

"O forse dovremmo giocare appena fuori...." she suggested instead. She was a bit nervous now by the scary noise that the windmill made. It was like the thunder, but it seemed less friendly. Maybe the windmill didn’t like that they were there. It would be safer outside, anyway.


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