Crossing the Frame
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She often wandered around at night now that she had lived in Aniwaya for a while. She knew her way around the territory, and wasn't afraid of being attacked here in her own lands. Ember had been training with sword and spear anyway, so if such an attack did occur she was well prepared. In the past she had battled with Hybrid Halocaust and lost twice, but now she wondered if she just might win with these new weapons and her new outlook on life. Back then, in those fights, her movements had been slow and untrained...but now she went through her training exercises without a single flaw.

She was walking toward the barns tonight to give Bayard a late-night visit. She had noticed that he was paying more attention to one of the mares in the group of horses, and wondered if she might be pregnant. She was a wilder one, not as tame as her lovely Ember would have to work hard to be allowed to get near her and check on her. She would give the mare special food if she was pregnant.

The wolf spotted movement in the clearing near the village and turned her head sharply, emerald eyes narrowed. She often let their horses wander around the village at night, grazing as they pleased in the lower temperatures, and had thought that they would be safe. They were inside Aniwaya, after all. But had someone come to take one of them? Not on her watch. She turned, four paws taking her toward the source. "Stop, horse thief!"


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