break me down to an atom

Ari nodded dumbly, looking away. He wasn't sure what was going to happen. The wolf didn't seem too threatening right now — he was carrying an instrument, and unless he planned to bring it down on Ari's head and keep smacking him until he ran away, Ari didn't see much threat in the stranger's body position. His brown ear twitched at the more questions, and he stirred to once more look in the direction of the wolf, but didn't look at his face. He was intimidated. North, and west. A place called Veneficus. And this place was called Jaded Shadows. It was fitting, though it would be more so if all the trees were covered with leaves. Ari bit his lip, wondering what to do. He had an idea, but it was risky. But who was he to be new to risk? Was he to care anymore? He took a breath and looked to the dark stranger, I can't go back there, either. M-My brother said not to come home. And he s-said that, if I stay alive, he would come back. He stopped. Was he supposed to ask for a home here? To be looked after? That was too much. Ari swallowed painfully, swiping his hand across his face to wipe away whatever remains of tears there were. He had to act as strong as possible. Weakness was unacceptable. So d-do you think I could stay here until he comes b-back to get me? he said in a slightly quieter voice, petrified of the verdict.


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