stray dog strut
[html]Yay! Big Grin I like Anu, too. Oh, and sorry for the wait!

i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

It was a common issue in the life of a loner, offending various packs and clans by sheer misunderstanding or accident. Most packs were highly wary of loners, and often refused to listen to explanations. However, Warren's anxiety faded with the woman's smile. The hybrid smiled in return, letting his tail wave faintly behind him. Ignoring the dead hare for the moment, he sat also, reveling in the calmed atmosphere. Since he had no living friend or relative, the woman's seeming kindness delighted him immensely, though he gave no outward appearance of this other than his vague smile. This serene expression drifted away as soon as it had come, though, at the woman's question.
"No," he answered, his face neither angry nor sad. His expression was simply distant, almost hollow, as he repeated her question. "I belong to no one." And nor would he ever. Warren would not allow himself to be used again. He did not have anything against those who banded together for a common goal or purpose, but he knew that it was not for him.
The hybrid was quiet for a few fleeting moments as his thoughts tried to shift to the dark and shadowy places of his memory. But he brushed them away with a sigh and allowed his gentle smile to tweak the corners of his lips once more.
"My name is Warren," he told her.


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