Out for Lunch
Ty couldn't help but chuckle at Lysander's smile, he still felt, no, knew that Lysander was lying about the turkey thing, but Ty had already let it pass. Ty was good at playing dumb, it was something he did commonly, it gave people the impression he was an idiot, but then they would divulge info that they wouldn't give to someone intelligent, and he learned so much more. Of course, his suspicious could be wrong, Ty had been used to dealing with rather shady people, and now that he was in Phoenix Valley he still sometimes carried those suspicions, but he could be wrong, and Lysander could be telling the truth, but it wasn't worth worrying about now.

Other then that, Lysander seemed liked a friendly guy, he was curious, polite, and charming, somewhat like Ty, in fact Ty could find a kindred spirit in this fellow, they were very much alike. However, Ty knew the differences, first off, he was a builder, something Ty was not. Ty's hands were meant to destroy, not to build, perhaps he could build over time, but now they were only tools of battle. He was also solitary, which would explain why they hadn't met. At least, Ty suspected he was solitary, as he apparently hunted alone, which usually means they don't like doing activities in groups. And Ty respected that, they didn't need to rely on other people to get things done, which Ty knew some wolves did need.

When the husky asked about his background, he gave a rather happy smile, nobody seemed to ask him about his past anymore, like they all knew what he had been. Running his fingers through the fur on his head, he scratched one ear as he spoke. "Well...short version, I was born here in the Valley, but then my mother swept me and my daughter away for reasons i can't remember, I left on a ship from her and became a sailor at a young age, becoming a trader all through Europe and Asia. However, that quickly changed to me becoming a trained mercenary and warrior, one of the best in the world. But after a while I left that life...for reasons I'd rather not share, and came back here...to the place I was born."

Ty then gasped, as he said all of that in one breath. He did promise the short version, but he had said the parts about the mercenary with a certain flair of pride. Ty was a specialist in combat, despite his kindhearted and carefree spirit, he was a warrior at heart, and not afraid to show it. Of course, his assorted scars and toned muscles were more then proof of that. He eyes then darted to Geneva to allow her to speak, he had kind of taken center stage and felt that he had sort of forced Geneva to shut up, which he didn't feel to good about. Ty finally let his rambling lips take a rest for now while Geneva would speak, allowing Ty to rest easy.

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