80 miles to the gallon
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table8.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooooh, inexperienced sex makes me lawl XD

If he hadn't been drunk he would have been terrified. Well, maybe not terrified, but much more nervous than he was right now. Thoughts like was this okay? How did she feel about this? Was he pushing her into this? would have assaulted him, but right now none of that flew through his head. His head was swimming in booze and arousal so intense he couldn't even comprehend it. Haven hadn't known that this sort of thing could feel this good. It was nothing like he had imagined. More than he could have guessed in his wildest dreams.

The smile that shone up at him made his heart feel like it was going to pound straight out of his chest. Gods she was gorgeous. The most gorgeous girl in the world. His girl. And he was her man. Before he even knew it his pants were completely off and with the rest of their clothes on the floor. Honestly, he was just as surprised at what was under the clothes as she was. It had never done that before. But it didn't feel wrong, so he didn't worry. That must have just been what it...did in these situations.

When her lips touched him there it blew everything else away and his mind exploded in pleasure. "Oooooh..." he moaned deeply. The hand that had been running through her hair moved gently to the back of her head while his other clutched the side of the couch. Haven's head rolled back as his breathing became labored. "Oh gods Si..." He never wanted this to stop, though he did want to show her how amazing this felt.


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