Night stock to Aisle 4
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Haku had eventually found his preferred form after spending a few years between those three. He had in the end found the Halfling form to his liking, inspired by Gabriel in the holy house of his God. It happened that the blue eyed murderer chose two legs instead four. It was either or. The plain wolf form had been abandoned for good, though not by choice. He was unable to go back that that original size and shape. He had never expected such a block to arise, but he knew why this was. Although bi-coloured eyes were far from unheard of, there were not too many of those that had it around, although more than the statistical average. These lands and their inhabitants had never been a part of what was seen as average though. These souls liked to bleed.

No sign of recognition was revealed when the girl’s grandmother was mentioned. The teenage girl seemed to be rather outdated. It was a while since Deuce’s treacherous scent had lingered in the air. He knew not what had become of the pale woman, and he was not certain if he cared. Once, they had managed to forge an odd yet pleasant friendship. Once, they had been lovers. Once, he had been the father of her youngest child. Once upon a time and in another reality. His feelings had run dry long before the pale woman disappeared. The child was long gone as well; he had never been given the chance to get to know Willow properly. Truth be told, it was for the best. The second name mentioned in her speech was also recognized, but that recognition did not reach the surface of his cool features either.

Along with the seconds came the silence. The Lilium remained still for a few moments after her voice had faded before he raised his own voice in reply. ”Deuce Rhiannon is no longer here.” was the simple reply from the large secui. He was not sure if he understood what the girl meant when she had said that she had come to see what the Dahlia de Mai pack was all about. He wondered if he should simply ask, but decided to skip it, at least for time being. ”If Jefferson is your adopted father, then I suppose I am your adopted uncle. Jefferson is my half brother.” Why he bothered to share such information, he did not know. Perhaps he wanted to see her reaction.


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