he's stolen hearts like they're horses
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... m/ss_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Picking out the tender insides of the seed, Strel popped the meat into his mouth. After a few seconds of tasting it, the male shrugged as it fell past his tongue. It wasn't special; it seemed kind of average to him, which didn't seem to appeal to the extravagance prone youth. Giving the plant an idle stare, wondering why birds seemed to love the stuff so much. A cook might be able to pull out some flavor from these, but Strel was far from being an accomplished cook. The best he could possibly do was not burn meat over a fire. Anything involving chopping, cutting, stewing, or baking would result in a charred black mess.

Taking the carving stone from the other's hand, the redhead ran a nail over the sharp edge rather then tempt fate to cut himself. It looked worn already, so Strelein could tell that Hemming had used it quite often before, or it was just a dull stone. Whichever. Handing it back, the youth picked up the block of wood, eying it. "Well I don't know what you could make from this. I'm useless with anything sharp beside a needle." Strelein looked up at the birds flying around over their heads, then at the sunflowers. "Well what about a bird on a flower?"

Lol that sounds fun. Sit around a fire and sew/knit. My god haha. Bunch of grannies. Sorry I'm replying slow, wow is pissing me off.[/html]

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