percussion gun
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As he watched the fluttering butterfly, he thought of the toy Cambi and Amata liked to play with. Butterflies must be very good, because they made his sisters happy. Lately, it hadn't had the same effect on Cambria as it usually did, but he knew she loved that toy, and Amata did too... Gotham was sure that if it wasn't girly, he'd love it too. But there didn't seem to be anything "girly" or otherwise limiting for him about the creature flying silently above them, so he wasn't against liking it. Amata's simple explanation closed the rest of his curiosity about why something would go asleep at his touch; so he just nodded. Momma wouldn't tell lies. He didn't want to hurt the butterfly, since it was good and nice to look at and since its plush version made his siblings happy.

"Fra-jell and del-ket? Okays, so we should leaves her alone," he conceded. He was a little jealous that Amata knew words he didn't. But he let it slide for now, looking away from the butterfly as if even his gaze could make her sleep forever. He remembered his own adventures with bugs and grinned proudly. "I plays wiff rollie-pollies, an' a pray-mannis!" He might have added that praying mantises could bite, but his pale sister had suggested they play hide-and-go-seek. That was one of his favorite games! He loved finding new nooks and crannies within the house to hide in. "Yeah, le's play it. We can bes quiet," he added, now whispering even more softly. "Not it!"


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