stray dog strut

And so she was right, he had no home. A lone wolf was half dead, in her mind. There was no other reason for existence then to belong with a pack and live that life. Dead did not always mean decaying, but dead in another sense. Anu had been gone, alone and a wanderer, and while she was a lone wolf she had lost many things. They had died and left her. It wasn’t until she sought the comfort and the community of the pack that they were reborn. It did not mean he was less, but she could not help but feel he was lost.

Blue eyes looked into his as he spoke his name, and the woman responded with a calm and smooth tone. “Anu.” She let her name fill the air, sure that he would remember it as she would his. The female was fair with names and for a reason unknown she liked his. It sounded human, unlike that of many she had known. She was certain that no human had been called her name, Celtic and the name of a goddess. No human could take the name of one they worshiped.

“This is Crimson Dreams land.” she spoke as a warning as well as pure information. A packwolf had that right, unlike a loner Anu could own this land and do what she please while on it. And because it came naturally she smiled and questioned him with a friendly voice. “Are you only passing through? Or do you have business here in ‘Souls?”


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