Forget About It Tomorrow
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Tank you! I adore Mati, too.

He loved Mati. All of them did; she took care of them when Momma and Dad were busy, and now she had been taking care of Cambria when she was sick. She seemed to be there whenever they needed her, and she was so sweet! He knew she was Naniko's little girl... he wondered if she was upset about her mother being gone now. He felt sorry for her. Gotham knew he would be sad if his Momma left.

His eyes widened when she showed her surprise; he must be really scary! His spirits soared even higher, and his already-stellar perception of her improved even more, simply because she had been fightened by him. She left the couch and got down to his level, which was very nice. But her words worried him. "Uh-ohs!" He rearranged his features so that he thought he was smiling. "'Sat better? Did it sticks?" Snarls were ugly! If he'd scared Mati so much and his face stayed like that, he'd go around scaring everyone. His eyes were frightful, not really fitting the forced smile.


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