A signal of trust
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p292 ... il_140.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: It wasn't crappy and it's ok :] <33333

She had quietly followed orders as he had told her what to do and how to do it, but she couldn't hold the questions in any longer. "Dawali, what happened to you?" What had he done out there that had gotten him so badly injured? It was the leader's duty to look after their pack. Or tribe. How could he have put himself in such danger? As she thought about this she frowned, continuing to clean and dress the many wounds that marred the older tribesmember's body. She was nearly finished. But then what would happen? Would he tell her to leave him alone? She certainly wasn't going to do that.

"Why would you do something like this, endangering yourself and your tribe? You are the heart of the tribe--but you risked your life for some reason. Why?" If he had these herbs on his wounds, did it mean that he was going to make it? Did the herbs make that big of a difference? It probably wasn't her place to be questioning him while he was in this weakened state...but what if he didn't make it? Even the possibility that he might not survive this or might not have survived this made her angry now, the more she thought about it. The tribe needed him--didn't he see that? Why had he done something like this to them? "I would have fought alongside you."


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