the little foxes that spoil the vines
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Noo. I'M sorry for the wait. ;_; 500+

How different they both were; polar opposites, even. This did not at all hinder her appreciation for the warrior though. If anything, the Acer admired the woman so much more because of said dif. The Adonis had an important role to fulfill within Dahlia de Mai, if not the most important role. While Alexey had her own duties, none were as crucial and dangerous as Cwmfen’s. The white-eyed femme protected the pack as a whole, assured its safety by constantly putting her own life on the line for those she cared about. It was an admirable thing to do. And now, from the looks of it, it seemed Cwmfen would have to rearrange her priorities. Children would undoubtedly turn the warrior’s world upside down, ready or not. Fights and weapons would have to be put aside for a certain amount of time.

Cwmfen could do it. She too, was a Caregiver after all. Not necessarily the kind of caregiver Alexey was (whose role mostly revolved around babysitting children) but the Adonis indirectly cared for every single member of Dahlia de Mai. She would do the same with her children, even if it meant renouncing to her current way of life. Alexey silently mused over it all, an endless flow of thoughts bouncing around in the back of her mind as Cwmfen took the seat next to her. Honey-hued eyes lingered over the Raven Spear, leaning harmlessly against a tree. She’d never felt threatened by the warrior, ever. But it warmed her heart to see the third in command relinquish her weapon in her presence.

Her right hand came into contact with her pack mate’s back; a comforting rub was offered to soothe away the pain and anxiety. It was hard to believe that she was fine, but Alexey made no effort to challenge her word. There was a brief moment of silence. It was barely noticed by the Caregiver who’d been catapulted back in time. Firefly’s birthing experience defiled before her eyes once again; the dead cub, Svara’s unwanted presence, the Lillium’s screaming, and the fight that ensued. They should’ve known those pups would suffer from an abnormal childhood. Luckily, the Adonis was nothing like Firefly.

Part of her wanted to question the father’s identity, but she refrained from doing so. Cwmfen finally spoke up, voicing the reason why she’d stopped by. Her request was vague; the Acer momentarily found herself at a loss of words. Alexey had never given birth and she’d only witnessed it once. “You’ll know what to do when the time comes,” she offered, knowing this to be true. Even Firefly (who was by far the worst mother in all of Souls) had known what to do. “Some females prefer to give birth on their own while others choose to have their friends and family present. I can be there, if you want me to.” she added with a sincere smile, letting the Adonis decide for herself. She was an independent woman after all. Perhaps she wanted to go through the birthing process alone.


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