I believe in the world right in front of me

wrote this @ work, forgive the poor quality ^^

They faced each other, a royal beast against that of common thievery. Anu couldn’t help but smile, her lips moving against the branch her held. Her shoulders rolled and moved forward in laughter as the pup made her remark, the sounds of a fish out of water for sure. Was it time to duel? Yes the master thief felt it was, her head moved from side to side and the branch splashed in the water. Yes, these moments were uncommon. When a fish needed to face an animal of the ground and reclaim a prize that had been unrightfully stolen. The white furred and finless fish shot forward, jaws clamping down on the stick. Anu felt the change in its weight, but did not pull back. She let the little beast sink her small teeth into the prize, and it was only when she was sure that she was securely set that Anu pulled backwards. The adult used no more then the muscles of her neck and head, twisting right and left. Though her actions were as gentle as if she used her jaws to pick up a babe.

The sky rumbled again, a loud sound that seemed to shake the water they stood in. The pup gave up her endever, and looked with wide eyes. The larger Dreamer looked down, exiting the world that they had created and returning to the one the held weather that would shortly rock them. Giving the stick back to the lake Anu stood with paws sinking into the soft sands. With an understanding smile she said, “They do sound angry, don’t they?’ And as the woman spoke another, louder, crash of thunder could be heard. It was closer, and even made Anu unsure. “Lets get home and get dry.” The Lt. General gave a comforting smile, and walked slowly from the water. It was not safe to be out during a lighting storm, though she had yet to see the blinding light.


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