sail me on a silver sun
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Rath smiled and nodded to Hemming's exclamation. It was a pretty clever idea on the human's part to build glass buildings so that their gardens wouldn't go dormant during winter. Rath scratched his head bashfully when Hemming complimented his work. It hadn't been easy. He had gone to great lengths to make sure that the structure was sturdy enough to support itself, including the roof he had to finish. "It may not look like a first try from a distance, but up close you'd probably notice my mistakes. It took me a long time to develop a construction plan that was sturdy enough." he replied, shaking his head slightly. In perfect honesty, as much as he loved carpentry, he would be glad when this particular project was over. It had tested him to the limits of his patience and abilities, making him realize that he had a long way to go if he was to ever be as good as his father before him." that I've answered your questions Hemming, I have a question of my own. Who is this fascinating little creature sitting atop your head? I have never seen a bird that was trusting enough to get that close to someone," the inquisitive male questioned, his gooseberry hued gaze examining Dagrun from a comfortable distance. He adored the smaller creatures of the world, although he could not speak low speak or interact with them in any way other than from a distance. His tail wagged absentmindedly behind him as he continued to study the small bird, his imagination conjuring up possible reasons as to why the bird was sitting on Hemming's head. Each one of his proposed reasons seemed as unlikely as the next, which further puzzled the thoughtful brute. Hopefully Hemming would be able to enlighten him, and satiate his curiosity.


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