Hello Sunshine;

Her gentle fingers brushed against the sensitive skin on his palm, but he made an effort to remain still. Forcing calm to settle was a very hard task, if not an impossible one. Those whirling mists that were the woman’s eyes had moment earlier been perceived as a threat, but they had changed into something that gave him hope. There was tranquillity within that adult woman that he too wanted to possess. Perhaps, if their bodies kept the contact, he could lend some of her mental threat to calm those treacherous, swirling emotions within. She seemed soft in every way. The dark hand pulled him closer, and the boy slowly followed, attempting to push towards her yet keep from too clearly feel the extreme difference between these new limbs compared to the old lupus ones. Her body was warm, and for a moment, a fleeting glance in the hue of lilac investigated that swelled abdomen of the woman. He had never seen something similar, but he knew that it was probably a sign of pregnancy. To think there were baby puppies inside her. He too had not been one of those not too long ago. Firefly had said that she would not disappear. She had said that she would not stop loving him. Where was she? Would this woman live for her young ones as a caring mother like it was supposed to be? He thought of himself and Emwe, wondering why those two had been so unlucky with the couple that had given them life in the first place.

When the woman’s soft voice sounded, Conor had calmed down several levels already. Though, with the question rose those terrifying feelings again. He had no control and did not know how it had happened. He gave a feeble attempt to produce a reply, but it was merely a fragile whimper that left his lips. The boy had attempted to avoid just that analysis of why. He was terrified of drowning in his emotions. He had been wrecked before he had gained the ability to speak, and now when he finally was making visible progress, he was afraid to dip down under the surface. He inhaled deeply before he searched for that answer. Nothing happened.”It happened for no reason and my body hurts...” That odd ache resided in every nerve, although it was far from powerful. More than not, it seemed to serve as an additional reminder of his first shift. ”I can’t move my body.” he quietly complained quickly after those first words, finding a dose of fear in that fact. However, just the presence of an adult had managed to comfort him with that he was safe and in good hands now. His cheek rested against the woman’s silky fur, although his arms had now sunk down and become limp. He did not know how to use this body. He did not want it.

Still, a part of him wanted to stretch and bend and explore this new experience. Conor had never truly been able to experience that natural curiosity that belonged to the children. His father had blocked those channels a long time ago, but perhaps the boy was slowly finding back to what he thought had been lost.


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