Can we fix it?

300+, end this soon?

Both Baby Duck and Lysander fixer man was gone, and after a minute or two the girl actually started to fear that the adult had stolen her baby. Thankfully both creatures returned to her before her heart managed to pick up an upset rhythm. A large smile found its way to her lips (again) as she looked at happy Baby Duck waddling after the weirdly coated wolf. It was so cute. Baby Duck seemed to have made its first friend. As its mommy, the girl felt proud as she watched them approach. Soon after though, her golden eyes focused on the can that Lysander was carrying back with him. She wondered what was inside! The man’s words and question explained what was in the can, and Noir’s tail went crazy again at the thought of purple on Baby Duck’s house. Purple was very close to pink, so the idea that Lysander the duck house fixer extradoidare now proposed was most welcome. The girl squealed immaturely in her glee, dancing around the man, duck and duck house with her bum shaking from side to side all too contently.

”I want whole box to be pretty purple pretty!” the girl said with absolute happiness in her voice. The blonde girl then turned to Baby Duck, who had started following her again now after a few rounds around the small box. ”We going to give you so pretty nice home, Baby Duck, it will be so almost-pink and so super nice, lucky baby.” after the shower of words her tongue started attacking the small water bird, causing it to squeak and start to run away from her rather than after her. The puppy giggled and followed a few yards before she turned back to jump over to Lysander’s side. ”I like flowers, perhaps make flowers all over the box? Baby Duck likes flowers too, because I think he does and I think it is a boy and not a girl but I don’t really know either but you said her and its wrong I think!” Noir had no way of figuring out the gender, though she was quite certain that it was a male just because it fitted best for her baby to be a boy. Maybe the yellow ducks were girl ducks and the gray ducks were boy ducks.


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