Notes On Pulling the Sky Down

Why would anyone be unhappy with the lily? Especially a spirit that was connected to the soul of Hemming, whose heart was so big and held so much love that it was only natural to enjoy the things the Earth provided. Anu had seen that in him the first moment they had met. But maybe she worried that the little one that sat upon his head would be unhappy in her presence. Was she seeking acceptance, and not really hoping for it for the day lily? She shook the thought from her mind; the spirit bird had been cordial and just as accepting as Hemming always was. She didn’t understand the need to be like so truly but the little bird, but instead of questioning it Anu pushed it from her mind letting her smile cover her small insecurity.

“Yes.” Anu piped up as he rose and questioned her. Walking slowly behind him Anu kept her eyes on the entrance, looking back only once to see that the flower stood even when they had left its presence. Blue eyes looked into the shadowed entrance, her smile fading into a more curious gaze. She looked around as she entered, finding the space suitable for the male and nicely furnished. A smiled came to her lips once more, listening as he spoke. She could agree, it was nice to have a place to keep the things once could find on explorations. She could help but look around, peering at the little projects that he had begun and not yet finished. It made sense that he had built the kite, it looked like her constructed many other things, including weapons. Lightly she touched the long sticks that could be made into the fighting tools. Anu wondered if he used them.

“What is that?” Anu asked with a curious excitement, walking close and looking down at it. She had never seen such a thing.


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