The Magical Forest
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Because she received only a blank, confused stare from the smaller puppy, Noir quickly slowed down to an uncertain halt, wearing a slightly baffled look herself. It was odd, but perhaps this puppy was something similar to Cambreeah. The butterfly puppy had not seemed happy and brave when Noir had met her, but with some time she had turned into a small and cute miniature sun that Noir had wanted to keep. Unfortunately, Cambreeah’s mommy had come and taken the puppy home, and Noir had been left alone and had not seen her friend again. The brown puppy had been sad because she had been alone in a strange place she had not been before, but this was their home, was it not? Why did the white puppy only stare at her? Noir had given away her name and everything. This rather odd greeting did not trouble the blonde puppy. Instead, she decided to just stare as well. It was not before now that the golden eyed girl noticed the two different colours that inhabited one eye each. The girl did not particularly pay attention to that detail though, because she saw bi-coloured eyes as something normal, as her own mother had one blue and one red eye.

Suddenly the other child decided to respond to her, and Noir giggled loudly and threw her face up towards the light sky when she heard the child’s slightly altered version of her name. It fitted amazingly well to Noir though, as she worshiped peace and happiness. Amata! Now Noir was sure that this was Cambreeah’s sister. The names somehow fitted together, and both girls were a bit younger than Noir. The girl said that she lived there and Noir eagerly nodded along with the girl’s words. ”I live in Aniwaya in a purple box house together with my Baby Duck.” Noir answered eagerly when she had been asked where she lived. ”I am looking for the butterfly puppy; Cambreeah!” she then added when the next question came. Noir found the creamy puppy absolutely adorable as she sniffed the air noisily. That had been Noir’s main purpose, but now when she was here with this child, she could just as easily play around with her as well. ”Cute Amata with noisy nose.” the golden eyed girl commented cheerily, imitating the other girl’s sniffing a few times before laughing a bit.


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