Live, I wanna live inspired
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Still waters run deep

The ivory and slate female jumped slightly as she felt Heath's hand touch her cheek, and yet she did not shy away from his touch. She instead smiled and responded to his statement. "I hope it didn't bother you. Touching something is the only way for me to really see anything," she replied, her soprano voice barely above a whisper. That strange feeling had surged up within her when Heath had touched her cheek, and now she had seemingly lost control of her voice. What was this thing that could make someone so lost within their own body? It felt so good that at times she forgot where she was, or what she was doing. The entire situation was so confusing that if the young duchess hadn't been enjoying it so much it might have frightened her with its strangeness.

As the two lupercis sat there, on the grass covered patch of ground, the bells in the trees were the only sounds that broke the silence. Normally Ruri would have desperately tried to fill the silence with something to keep the conversation going, but at the moment she felt no need. She simply liked being with Heath, that was enough for her. She wasn't afraid of whether he would leave or not, because if he did he was bound to be back soon. There was no more fear of being unable to see him for a long period of time. He was here to stay. The only thing that could have made Ruri's day more perfect would have been Jac. As this thought entered the blind girl's mind her countenance drooped for a moment before brightening once again with an idea. "Heath, would you be willing to do a favor for me? I don't want to impose upon you, or anything like that. You see...Jacquez hasn't been by here in awhile. It's been raining a lot, so at first I thought that was the only thing keeping him from coming back, but it hasn't rained in a couple of days and he still hasn't come back. I'm worried about him. He doesn't usually leave for this long without telling me where he was going or when he would be back. Could you keep an eye out for him? I'd really appreciate it." There, she had made her request. It didn't seem like too much to ask. After all, Heath was a bit of a wanderer. It wouldn't be too hard for him to keep an eye out for Jac while he was wandering around the packlands and the surrounding territories. Would it?


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