Hello Sunshine;
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Ooo, I love your new avatar!

As the boy leaned against her, the black fae felt a flicker of an unfamiliar warmth within her, and her heart was eased. A quiet, imperceptible smile graced the woman’s quiet lips like silver. For a moment, she simply held him that way, allowing him to gather himself for the answering of her question. The soft whimper sounded in the silence, her woad-banded ears swiveling to catch it. But she did not push him, nor did she speak for him. He could answer the question, and only he could know the answer.

Everything happened for a reason. Everything was Fated, preordained. It was such beliefs that allowed the accepting nature of the black wolf to exist. But the woman was silent, responding with nothing. She did not know if the boy believed such things, for she knew that all believed something different. Even those that claimed to believe in the same thing did not truly believe in the same thing, for that thing, whether looked upon by the eyes or by the mind, was created through the particular perception of the individual. And so, knowing this, the woman said nothing. Would the mind of the youth be able to grasp such a concept should she have said such a thing? She did not know, and in the end, it would have changed nothing. "Your body hurts because it has done something new," the quiet melody suggested, "and your body wants to let you know that it is still alive." She had always perceived pain in such a way; to feel pain was reassuring. At least one was not dead.

"Breathe deeply. Concentrate." The commands were quiet, gentle and yet forceful. "You have to will your body to move. Only you have control over it." The woad bound hands rubbed his arms softly as if to brush away some invisible force. In reality, however, the woad warrior had considered the possibility of cramped muscles, and so, by rubbing his limbs, she would have helped to loosen the knots that would have bound his body. The white orbs looked into the purple eyes that did not seem to resemble Haku or Firefly. They carried their own shade. And, to the female who saw the world through such symbolism, she found such a fact to be noteworthy.

Slowly, the black fae released him, pulling her arms gently from about him. Bracing them upon the floor, the pregnant female pushed herself up, careful to avoid the over-exertion of her right leg. There was only a shade of her fluidity that remained in her movements, but it would one day return. Once she had steadied herself, the black fae turned to look back at the boy upon the ground. "You have to get up now." Her voice was a quiet melody in the silence, but perhaps her actions had been harsh. The Adonis was unfamiliar with the dealings of young creatures, and so she moved as if she dealt with an adult. The white orbs considered the boy, wondering.... It was better, she decided, if he could do it on his own. But if he could not, she was there to help him. Everyone needed help sometimes, even she.


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