Hello Sunshine;
700+ I do too Big Grin, oh and this reply is not grand.

Her words made sense, and the boy chose to see the pain in a new light. It did not truly feel like his body was injured. What he felt was an ache slowly beating together with the rhythm of his little heart. Yes, a reminder that his body had managed to do something new. The boy nodded slowly, glad that his body was alive despite the change it had gone through. He knew that changing forms was something normal, but he had a hard time understanding how a body could go through it without eventually becoming damaged. Her words suddenly found a new meaning, and he replayed those wise words again in his mind, taking in that new meaning. Conor had always perceived pain as punishment and hurt, but it was his body telling him that he was still alive. When Haku had kicked the boy so that the child crashed into the wall and almost broke its nose, it had been a great amount of pain. He has survived and his body was telling him so, the location of pain had told him where he had been hit and the amount of it had suggested how badly he had been hurt. Though, the general meaning: Conor was alive. The black woman holding him would never be able to understand how much her words helped the boy.

When he was commanded to breathe and concentrate, the boy closed his lilac eyes and forced his breathing to reach a more stable level. He made sure that his lungs were filled all up before he exhaled. It helped. The next words made sense yet left him in an uncomfortable confusion. Her touch was reassuring and caring, but the boy still felt afraid of the new body he now was trapped in. His front limbs were somewhat the same, although the sensation of hands and fingers that could grab and were more sensitive was odd. It was worse with the boy’s hind legs. They stuck out in a weird angle, as if they had been broken forwards when they were supposed to bend backwards. The boy did not know, but it did not feel right at all. The boy wanted to whisper no and reject the woman’s words. She believed she knew what he was going through! That aggressive thought vanished as quickly as it appeared, and he felt a pinch of guilt for thinking such a thought at all, despite that it had been involuntary. She only wished to help, and she had also had her first shift once.

He would do well to follow the woman’s advice. Despite this, the boy felt sick to his stomach when she said that he had to get up. What did she mean? She had left him down there on the floor and now towered over him on those two legs. Surely she could not possibly think that he was going to get up and stand on two feet? Although he saw it every day, the thought of standing on and walking on two legs was insane. Conor wanted to grab out after the adult again, attach himself to her legs and never let go, but such an act was impossible. Those eyes reopened and looked up at the woman, his gaze agonized.

The boy looked over to the bed, and sort of managed to crawl the few feet over to it, mostly only using his front limbs, still afraid to use those odd back limbs. His hand grabbed hold of the foot of the bed, and a quick glance told him that the little fox had most likely fled the room, because there was only empty space under the bed. He started to attempt to lift himself up and crawl up to the top of the bed, feeling incredibly silly. His odd and new feet scratched and pressed against the wooden floor. The boy paused for a moment to calm himself before he returned to the panic stage again, breathing heavily yet steadily as he slowly started to move this odd body again. Eventually he pressed his feet under him, and tried to keep the general shape of the leg vertical, although there was a small bend in them around the middle. His arms had served as support on the bed, and the boy slowly started to reach of the walls, so that he could stretch up properly and stand just like the woman did with her ease despite her swelling belly.

A small sound escaped the boy as he pushed himself off the bed with some strength so that he could hit the wall and claw against it feebly while he attempted to keep his balance. How in the world did they manage to do this? His tail moved about as if in a cheery wag, but only because of his complete lack of balance that the tail went on a drug drip.


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