remember when it rained

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Apologies for the wait. I've been busy with WoW. It's been eating my Souls time. x.x;;

Let me show you the wonders of life

Hanna edged closer to the safety of the porch. She'd not been invited up; she didn't want to get much closer till she'd been given permission, but she was trying to make herself visible as well in the half-light. Tobias had clearly startled the pair, and Hanna could understand why. This was the type of weather for it. Leave it to the drama king to make a scene.

After closing in on the porch to the right side of the stairs, Hanna realized there were actually two figures there, not just the one who'd spoken. Both men were grey-furred, "Yes, he's mine. Well, sort of. His name's Tobias, and I'm Hanna." She shivered again and then shook her fur out as best she could, removing a fair amount of water from it. Her hands gathered her hair, which she wrung out as well.

The lee of the house afforded some protection from the rain, enough anyway for Hanna to observe that the structure was indeed much the same as her old cabin. How had she not found this one? Ah, well, of no consequence now. Hanna had a destination in mind, though she didn't know the name of it, the smell of it.. nothing.


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