I'm the wolf
Table by JAMES

25th April: WWDS polls are up! Voting closes on April 28, so make sure to get your votes in!
23rd April: Please get your WWDS? nominations in! Any member can nominate any pairing, even if they did not participate! Thanks! Also, congratulations to Jazper Rhiannon and Mahlouk, our winners for the Morning After category!

17th April: WWDS? has been extended until April 24! Also, please send the SA your nominations for the categories: funniest drunk, morning after, beer goggles, and driving under the influence. You can see a list of the threads here!
13th April: You can now modify your profile! Check the topic for instructions. (And please remember to use valid code!) "talk talk talk talk talk"



Table by JAMES

25th April: WWDS polls are up! Voting closes on April 28, so make sure to get your votes in!
23rd April: Please get your WWDS? nominations in! Any member can nominate any pairing, even if they did not participate! Thanks! Also, congratulations to Jazper Rhiannon and Mahlouk, our winners for the Morning After category!

17th April: WWDS? has been extended until April 24! Also, please send the SA your nominations for the categories: funniest drunk, morning after, beer goggles, and driving under the influence. You can see a list of the threads here!
13th April: You can now modify your profile! Check the topic for instructions. (And please remember to use valid code!) "talk talk talk talk talk"




Table by SHANNON

He had taken care to avoid the stronger traces of the marked female’s aroma. Truth was of course that the scent was somewhat a drug to him as they revived the scene of a night with two bodies entwined together so tight. The Lilium of Dahlia de Mai was a simple creature with a hollow heart, so whenever these rare moments where a light flickered and made his heart beat happened, a teasing echo remained to remind him of what he could never have. Usually he had discovered it was more the thrill of the hunt that intrigued him, and not the reward itself. The cocoa male was actually not sure any longer. He and Firefly had collided so often lately. There was nothing left of what was sacred, if it were, he was sure they would break it. He held the largest portion of the blame, but Haku could not change what he was. The poison had dug deep into the relationship with his mate, and he was far from a medic. Haku did not fix things, his way was to trash them to the ground and eliminate the obstacles. Such a tactic could not be used here, and it steadily increased the general feeling of frustration the male was collecting these days.



http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/libri/hakuban.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Table by ERIN

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt, felis eu viverra luctus, leo massa laoreet nisl, ut sodales est mauris sit amet orci. Vivamus arcu risus, semper a faucibus eu, venenatis ac ante. Proin iaculis arcu eget tellus hendrerit nec luctus magna sollicitudin. Nullam fringilla turpis sed erat facilisis egestas. Aenean bibendum diam id augue malesuada semper. Nam egestas diam eu purus commodo laoreet at accumsan metus. Donec urna lacus, ultricies vitae pharetra et, pretium at sapien. Pellentesque quis viverra lectus. Maecenas interdum placerat ornare. Mauris sit amet lacus a leo pretium accumsan nec sed odio. Nulla facilisi. Nulla facilisi. In dapibus dui sit amet risus fermentum imperdiet. Fusce vel nisl a dui pulvinar auctor. Praesent sit amet mi massa, eu convallis magna. Quisque eu felis in nisi iaculis bibendum.

Donec at mauris ac enim iaculis facilisis eget et leo. Quisque a diam at est dapibus pulvinar non vel libero. Pellentesque congue tincidunt feugiat. Proin in nisi nunc, non vehicula turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed sit amet blandit ipsum. Integer scelerisque eros a mauris egestas blandit. Nulla ultrices commodo ullamcorper. Nam consequat ipsum eget tortor pretium pharetra tincidunt nisi luctus. Proin blandit, odio vel pharetra adipiscing, dolor quam dapibus urna, lobortis aliquet felis leo id mauris. Etiam ac tortor ipsum. Cras vestibulum porttitor ipsum, eu sodales ipsum tempor ut. Vestibulum commodo congue ornare. Vestibulum et purus vitae turpis consectetur molestie. Proin luctus bibendum ipsum, eget mollis nibh dictum eu.


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