Sweet Summer Time
604 words

So you used the rod to throw the string.. and then fish got caught on the string? Ares had a clearer image of what one did with the stick, but he still wasn't too convinced that it would actually be helpful and make fishing easier. Music devices and weapons of humans, too? Were there a lot of these things, just lying around to be picked up by whoever wanted them? The idea made Ares sort of want to wander into some neutral territory, to see if he could find some abandoned human city and find anything cool there. He knew his mother possessed some human items - she had shown him one, a beautiful wind-chime, in order to explain to him how that had been a gift from her Uncle Thanos, and how if he ever met his Uncle Ireland or any of his many Aunties, they would most definitely not love him enough to give him presents, so he'd better get used to that idea now.

The weapons, though. Now those sounded interesting. If he could acquire some kind of weapon, he wouldn't necessarily need to train really hard. He'd be able to get back at Tokyo so much faster, and so much more efficiently. "Those metal clicking things are probably guns. I've read a lot of stories with them, you need to put little metal balls in them that the humans call 'bullets.'" Ares was really glad he was actually able to understand enough of what Jaz was saying to be able to participate in a meaningful way in the conversation. The few months he had spent with Star, reading and reading and reading had given him so much knowledge that could be so useful in situations like this. Even if they were less so in a practical, day-to-day sense.

"Where did you get your knives and swords, and all these weapons? I'd sort of like to get my hands on a knife, myself." He kept his purpose for it intentionally vague, preferring not to delve exactly into how much he'd love to cut his mother. Because as much as it made clear and perfect sense to him, anyone who didn't understand exactly the dynamic between Tokyo and Ares would likely be rather horrified at such a suggestion.

Ares had managed to drag the boat all the way to the lake, he realized with a bubbling sense of pride. Letting go of the rope a few feet from the shore, he walked over and crouched down, placing his hands in the water. For a second he just let them sit there, enjoying the cool feel of the water against his rope-burned hands. After a couple moments, though, he cupped them together, sipping from the enclosed pool of his hands. Lowered again, drank again, the action repeated until his parched lips and throat were feeling better.

Jaz's dad's name was Ares too? That was cool! "Was your dad a good fighter?" Ares was curious if the god of war namesake had worked well for him. He didn't recognize any of the names spoken, and it made sense to his adolescent point of view that adults had dead parents, so his mind merely brushed over the rest of what he had said about family. He did answer the question, though: "Meh, not really. I can hunt and track well, but that's nothing too special from any other wolf." His mother had sucked at hunting, and a quiet feeling of superiority warmed his heart every time he was able to catch a rabbit, thinking about how Tokyo would probably have just messed up and let it get away.

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