Pay attention to the small things
Sorry for at eg e treig osv
- og btw spirit guides kan ikkje snakka i hodene te folk, bare senda bilder og impressions som må tolkast. Så liksom, voice in head = nope.
Word Count: 408

Dawali's deep voice made short sounds, rapidly following each other. No one could make him chuckle as the young girl before him. Her voice could distinguish her in a large group of children, he was certain, and even though it changed as constantly as the rest of her did while growing older, it was still slightly squeaky and almost too pitched for his own liking. Still, it was charming in its own way, and when words poured out of the child, accompanied by a strong beam on her face, he could not help himself. He was completely charmed by the personality that was Noir Aston. His face beamed back at the girl, whom he considered as close to himself as one of his own daughters, as he listened to her tales of recent events. In every way, the girl was different than others, and some of her speech problems still shone through, especially when she was eager. The girl had yet to shift, and thus as he listened, the male got down to place one knee on the ground, standing in a half crouch. His chuckles and nods decorated the silences, when she stopped her flood of words to breathe every now and then.

The man let her talk until he thought she was finished, and then his hand reached out to ruffle the mass of blond hair between her ears. "Sounds like you've been very busy making new friends!" Her description of the cow was entertaining in itself, despite how her beloved Baby Duck had been hurt by it. The smile on his face lingered, and just then as he opened his mouth to speak again he noticed a small bluebird on the path between the two, nodding its head to him. He hadn't immediately realized she'd spoken about a spirit guide until he saw it - she had served him so many tales at once that it made his head dizzy. When Noir's ears flattened and she verbally abused the bird as best she possibly could (he doubted there was enough meanness in her to even produce something more hurtful than the blunt expression she just served), he chuckled again as he nodded a greeting back to the small bird. The girl had no idea how well her spirit guide's form complemented her. "Hehe, I don't think you can make it go away, Noir. You've found your spirit guide! Haven't anyone told you what they are?"

By James!

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