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"Licking the wet, sticky blood from her creamy fur with her purple tongue the tent stayed on her muzzle." I skipped the word tongue ^^' sorry

The meat was sweet on in her mouth as she licked the rabbits open flesh, pulling off small bites of meat here and there that was quickly swallowed down her throat. Not much of the rabbit was totally eaten, mainly the middle of the rabbit where the organs were already gone. Faler listened to the girl talk and for a moment her lips pulled into a smile, licking her maw once more she got the sweet taste that lingered.

The sandy woman pushed herself to a sit before facing the girl more, her blood and icy eyes watched the Addison with slight interest at her words. It would seem the girl has had a rough patch as well, that nice though like Faler many people have trouble. Faler's ear gave a slight flicker as she listened to the last of the girls words, her smile remained as she watch her move her eyes away from the meal.

Faler's voice was smooth and more relaxed as it vibrated her throat."Trouble follows alot of people, though it is smartest to prepare for it then to wait for it to appear." Pausing her tail swayed behind her as she placed her paw on the rabbit."Trouble tends to make things very interesting, you might learn things that you normally wouldn't. Here take it." Her voice roughened at her offer, maybe this was the selfish part of her not wanting to hand it over. Pushing the rabbit forward her eyes watched the younger female waiting for her to take.
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